Lisa Greer



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Fundraisers: Stop Trying to Be a ‘Convincer’ and Be These Four ‘C’ Words Instead

Becoming Donor Aware

Understanding Donors — Or Not

Exclusive Excerpt from “The Essential Fundraiser’s Handbook” – Introduction

How to Annoy a Long-time Donor

The Short Answer to the Most-Asked Question – An Excerpt from “The Essential Fundraiser’s Handbook”

Why We Must Pay Attention to Declining Donor Retention Rates

Building a Better Board – An Excerpt from “The Essential Fundraiser’s Handbook”

Donor Trust: The Key to Successful, Sustainable Fundraising?

Nuisance Giving and Donor Sentiment

How “Pretty” can Ruin your Brand

Trickery Doesn’t Help our Sector

A Recipe for Fundraising Success

2023 Recap: My Top 10 Tips for Fundraising Success

For Fundraising Success, Stop Giving Donors Mixed Signals

Gratitude: A Special Thanksgiving Edition

Halloween Edition: Fear and Fundraising

The Joy of Collaborating

Changing our Mindset to “And”

It’s All in a Name — or Not

The Dangerous Obsession?

Sharing Some Great Ideas (From a Donor’s Perspective)

Short-term Thinking is Getting Us Into Trouble

Are we Purposely leaving Money on the Table? Heed the Wake-Up Call!

Recurring Gifts are NOT the “Poor Stepchild”

Illusion Has No Place in Philanthropy

Want to Raise More Money? Be Honest.

What We Can Learn About Fundraising From a College Tour With My Teen

Why Do New Donors Not Renew?

Unsolicited Advice About Unsolicited Gifts

My Fraught Relationship with Direct Mail

How to Spot a Dysfunctional Organization (Without a Single Conversation)

Why are we Surprised that it’s Tough to Find Volunteers?

Donors: When (And Why?) To Just Say “No”

Gratitude and Impact. Gratitude and Impact. Gratitude and Impact. Gratitude and Impact.

When Wellbeing and Fundraising are Aligned

Why I’m Obsessed with this Nonprofit

The Donors Right in Front of You

The Key to Donor Retention?

Ignore Donor Retention Rates at Your Peril

Salons – A Centuries Old Tradition

Donor Identity & the Tool Shed

Gazing into the (Immediate) Future of Fundraising

Simple Ways to Learn About Your Donors

The Short Answer to the Most Asked Question

Building Better Boards — 12 Tips for Success

Does Your Board Need an Intervention?

No Harm, No Foul? For Donor Recognition, Think Again.

Is a Pledge the Same as a Donation?

How to Lose a Good Fundraiser